The new #Cotswolds2020

The Coronavirus crisis is making it a time of uncertainty in the Cotswolds and everywhere.
While we’re following government guidelines, we prepare to isolate more and more. For however long the isolation must last, we will continue to promote and share all the wonderfulness of the Cotswolds.
And when things change and go back to some kind of normality (or whatever the new normal will look like), we will continue to promote and share all the exciting things to do in the Cotswolds.
We started the year launching our #Cotswolds2020 campaign which was all about gushing over everything Cotswolds. Now the year has taken an unexpected turn and so has our campaign.
Many businesses has already had to close and many more will, so we’re now concentrating on general Cotswolds promotion, positive articles, blogs and news relevant to later on in the year.
Then, once businesses begin to open again, our changed #Cotswolds2020 will be all about encouraging people to holiday in the Cotswolds, eating out in the Cotswolds, taking mini-breaks in the Cotswolds, shopping in the Cotswolds and buying local produce.
With the new #Cotswolds2020 we will be supporting all the businesses in the Cotswolds who no doubt will be struggling for months and years to come due to the Corona crisis.
So as always, expect lovely stories from us at Cotswolds Concierge while we isolate at home and continue to promote this wonderful Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Mette ♡

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